November 20, 2022

The annoying urinary dribble (BPH symptoms)

Written by
Edward Calleja
Enlarged Prostate
Wave Blue

What is the medical term for Urinary dribble?

This is called post micturition dribble (PMD).

How common is the dribble?

It is more common than once thinks. Studies have quoted up to 85% men suffer from this. It’s common in older men because the muscles circling the water pipe (urethra) don’t compress as strong as before.

What causes the dribble ? Is it cause of an enlarged prostate?

1. Abnormality in the water pipe, impedes complete void

2. Prostatic Urethral Trapping ; the urine caught in between the two male sphincters (valve)

3. Neurovascular supply compromise to the bulbourethral muscles when men get older

Is there a medication or operation to stop me getting wet when I stop to pee?

No, there is no drug or operation to improve this.

What can you do

1. Bulbourethral massage; basically milking the urethral (with the finger tips 2 to 4 cm behind the ball sac – scrotum - massage upwards towards the base of the penis. Repeat the technique twice to ensure that the urethra (water pipe) is completely empty.

2. Stretch / squeeze / shake the penis are alternative. Some men they notice that with time these can become ineffective.

3. Kegel exercises (pelvic floor muscle training). These can be challenging to self learn, best to have a physiotherapy teaching session.

When to seek medical attention?

If you experience

· difficulty starting peeing (hesitancy)

· having to strain to void

· a poor urinary stream

· sensation of incomplete emptying

· urgency

· burning, discomfort or pain when emptying your bladder

· visible blood with urine

· waking up more than twice to empty the bladder at nigh (nocturia)