September 22, 2024

The Relationship Between Sex and UTIs in Females

Written by
Edward Calleja
Urinary Tract Infection (UTIs)
Wave Blue

Many people are familiar with the distinct burning sensation during urination that indicates a urinary tract infection (UTI). Unfortunately, UTIs are quite common, with around half of women experiencing at least one in their lifetime.

It's natural to wonder, does sex cause UTIs? If so, how? And is there anything you can do to prevent them? Let's dive into the connection between sex and UTIs and explore ways to minimize your risk.

What is a UTI?

A urinary tract infection is an infection in your urinary system, typically caused by bacteria entering your urethra (water pipe) and triggering infection. The most common bacteria are known as E. coli (found in the digestive system).

UTI Symptoms & Causes

Common signs of a UTI include:

  • Burning or stinging
  • Cloudy urine
  • Frequency, and urgency to pee
  • Strong smelling smoetimes foul smell
  • Blood in the urine
  • A feeling of pressure or cramping in the lower part of the tummy

UTIs can be caused by various factors, including sexual activity. Here are some common causes:

  • Genetics: Some women are predisposed to UTIs due to your body’s immune response to UTI causing organisms.
  • Age: Post-menopausal women have a higher risk of UTIs due to incontinence of urine and lack of oestrogen.
  • Frequent sexual intercourse: especially with a new partner or multiple partners, places you at higher risk.
  • Hygiene issues: simple factors like not changing the underwear often, not wearing cotton underwear, not performing properly the front to back cleaning practice, influences your urinary infection risk.
  • Use of spermicide: Spermicide lowers your body's good bacteria, giving a chance for the bad bacteria to flourish.

Can You Get a UTI from Sexual Activity?

The female anatomy makes the the transfer of bad bacteria easier as the urethral opening is close to the rectum, making it easier to transfer.

What About Men?

Men get UTIs, but it is less often due to the longer urethra (waterpipe). When men do get UTIs, it's usually due to genetics, lowered immune system, enlarged prostate, stones. Unprotected anal sex increases the risk of infection as well.

How Soon After Sexual Activity Can You Get a UTI?

UTI symptoms can appear within 24 hours or few days.

How To Prevent a UTI After Sexual Activity

To lower the risk of developing a UTI after sexual activity make sure to follow thesesteps:

  • Pee After Sexual Activity: Urinating within 15 to 30 minutes after sex to flush out any bacteria that may have been introduced in the waterpipe.
  • Clean Sex Toys: If you use sex toys, clean them after every use and urinate after using them.
  • Maintain Hygiene: Ensure you practice good hygiene by washing the genital area before and after sexual activity, changing cotton underwear regularly, and wiping from front to back.

Additional Preventative Measures

Postcoital Prophylaxis

Women whose recurrent UTIs are associated with sexual intercourse may benefit from postcoital prophylaxis. This involves taking a single dose of antibiotics within one to two hours after sex to prevent infection. Common antibiotics used include:

  • Trimethoprim
  • Nitrofurantoin
  • Cephalexin

Hiprex (Methenamine Hippurate)

Hiprex is an antiseptic agent that helps prevent UTIs by turning into formaldehyde in the urine, which inhibits bacterial growth. It's often used as a long-term preventive measure for recurrent UTIs. Taking Hiprex after sexual activity can help reduce the risk of infection.


D-Mannose is a type of sugar that can help prevent UTIs by preventing E. coli bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. It is available as a dietary supplement and can be taken after sexual activity or as a daily preventive measure.

Myth Busting: Cranberry Products

While cranberry juice and supplements have been popular for UTI prevention, recent studies have shown that their effectiveness is not supported by strong evidence. Current medical guidelines do not recommend cranberries as a reliable preventive measure for UTIs.

Do Some People Have a Higher Risk for Getting UTIs?

According to the American Urological Association, 40% of women who have had one UTI will get another, and 50% of those women will experience at least one more after that.

Can You Have Sexual Activity With a UTI?

Yes you can, but it might be uncomfortable. The friction during sex can increase irritation and inflammation. It’s best to wait until the UTI has resolved.

How Soon After a UTI Can You Have Sexual Activity?

Wait until you have completed your antibiotic treatment and feeling better. Typically it’s at least a week until after you’ve finished your antibiotic regimen.

When to See a Doctor

If you experience serious symptoms or recurrent UTIs, seek medical advice.

Recurrent UTIs may require a detailed treatment and prevention plan.

Untreated UTIs can escalate to kidney infections, which are serious and potentially life threatening.

Understanding the link between sexual activity and UTIs is key for prevention. Maintain good hygiene, endorse preventive measures, and seek immediate treatment.