February 11, 2024

Adult Circumcision. Why do I need to be circumcised?

Written by
Edward Calleja
Foreskin Conditions
Wave Blue

When might an adult need a circumcision?

Tight Foreskin Problems Lead the List

The top reason an adult might be circumcised is due to a condition called phimosis. This is when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back easily, which can make cleaning difficult and cause discomfort during sex.

Infections and Swelling: Other Reasons to Consider

Other reasons for adult circumcision include repeated foreskin infections or a condition known as balanitis, which is when the foreskin becomes inflamed.

Rare but Serious Causes: Paraphimosis and Cancer

While it's less common, some adults need circumcision to fix paraphimosis, where the foreskin gets stuck after being pulled back and starts to swell. In very rare cases, circumcision is done to remove or prevent penile cancer.

Is Getting Circumcised as an Adult Painful?

The surgery can be done safely under local and general anaesthesia, so it's pain-free. However, it is always a patient's preference, whether the procedure is done local or in general anaesthesia.

After the procedure, when the anaesthesia wears off, some discomfort might be managed with painkillers for a day or two.

After Surgery: A Period of Sensitivity

Once the initial discomfort subsides, there might be some sensitivity, especially when clothes rub against the area, but it's usually not painful. Wear loose cotton garments during the first 72 hours after surgery.

Can circumcision affect a man's sexual performance?

There is no solid link for erectile dysfunction. Studies, including a meta-analysis from 2013, show that circumcision doesn't usually harm a man's sexual function.

Body Image and Sexual Confidence after circumcision

However, some men might feel differently about their bodies after circumcision, which can affect their sexual life.

Does circumcision lessen sexual pleasure?

The absolute majority do not experience an impact on enjoyment or sensation.

Several studies indicate that circumcision does not have a significant impact on sexual pleasure or function. A systematic review published in "JAMA Surgery" in 2020 revealed that male circumcision did not have any considerable adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, or satisfaction.

However, some men report a decrease in sensation following circumcision, possibly due to the removal of the foreskin, which contains nerve endings. There are also accounts that suggest changes in sexual experience after the procedure, potentially due to the keratinization of the glans penis that can occur once the foreskin is removed.

Additionally, it's crucial to keep in mind that personal, relational, and cultural factors can greatly vary individual experiences. Moreover, the psychological impact of the procedure can play a role in how individuals perceive changes in sexual pleasure.

What are the benefits of getting circumcised as an adult?

The main benefits include a lower chance of getting foreskin infections or inflammation and making it easier to keep the area clean, especially for those who have trouble with a tight foreskin.

After a circumcision, the tight foreskin that was causing painful intercourse in some people's sexual lives is no longer an issue.

Can I have half a circumcision?

There is a procedure that is informally referred to as a "partial circumcision" or "dorsal slit." Unlike full circumcision, which involves removing the entire foreskin, partial circumcision involves an incision along the upper part of the foreskin to relieve tightness while leaving most of the foreskin intact. This procedure is not done as often as full circumcision. It is usually only thought of for very old, weak, or medically unfit patients, where the treatment goals can be met without removing the whole foreskin, which keeps complications to a minimum.

So if you are young, healthy, and of good quality for life, a full circumcision is recommended.