December 10, 2023

Impotence Treatment

Written by
Edward Calleja
Impotence (Erectile Issues)
Urology Medications
Wave Blue

Understanding Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence, is a prevalent concern affecting many men, causing the inability to sustain an erect penis for sexual activity. The complexity of erectile dysfunction necessitates a detailed examination of its causes, symptoms, and treatments, enabling better comprehension and management of this condition.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

ED arises from various causes, categorized into physical and psychological factors. Physical causes include cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, affecting blood flow and blood vessels. Heart disease and reduced blood flow can contribute significantly to erection problems.

Impotence Prevalence & Statistics

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a widespread condition impacting men worldwide, and the statistics illustrate the magnitude of this sexual health issue. Approximately 40% of men aged 40 experience some degree of ED, and this prevalence increases with age: about 70% of men aged 70 experience ED symptoms. These numbers illustrate that ED is not a rarity but a common and shared experience among men as they age.

The numbers reflect the universality of this condition and underscore the reality that most men, at some point in their lives, will encounter erection problems. The prevalence of ED is not limited to older adults; younger men are not immune to this condition, with studies indicating that around 26% of men under 40 have experienced ED.

Further illustrating the prevalence of ED are studies suggesting that only about 25% of men with erectile dysfunction seek treatment, signalling that a significant proportion of those affected may be living with untreated symptoms, possibly due to stigma or lack of awareness about available erectile dysfunction treatments.

This alarming reality emphasizes the urgency of addressing this condition promptly and proactively, seeking medical advice to explore available treatments, and attending sexual health clinics to discuss concerns and symptoms openly. Addressing ED can lead to enhanced sexual health, improved relationships, and a better quality of life.

Importance of Seeking Medical Advice

Men experiencing consistent erectile problems should seek medical advice to address any underlying health condition. Initial discussions with a clinical team or an online doctor service can be pivotal in determining whether an underlying physical cause, such as a heart condition or high blood pressure, contributes to ED. Early detection through basic health checks can lead to more effective erectile dysfunction treatment.

Types of Impotence & Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Three types of impotence exist: primary, secondary, and tertiary, each presenting unique challenges and requiring distinct approaches for treatment. Recognizing the signs of impotence in a man is crucial, such as the inability to achieve an erection, maintain an erection, or experience reduced sexual desire.

Diagnostic Tests for Erectile Dysfunction

Medical history and physical examination are crucial for diagnosing ED. Doctors may perform several tests to check for erectile dysfunction, such as blood tests to assess blood sugar, cholesterol, and hormone levels. These tests can identify whether a health condition like diabetes or hormonal imbalance is causing erectile problems.

Understanding Blood Tests

Blood tests for erectile dysfunction can reveal underlying causes such as high blood sugar, high cholesterol, or hormone problems. These tests may include assessments for blood sugar levels, lipid profiles, and testosterone levels, providing insights into any underlying cause of ED. A PSA blood test is ordered to look for prostate cancer.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Several erectile dysfunction treatments exist, from lifestyle changes to medications and medical treatments. Lifestyle modifications like losing weight, reducing alcohol consumption (too much alcohol can be detrimental), and regular exercise can significantly improve ED symptoms. Medications such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and other prescribed drugs can enhance blood flow to the penis, facilitating erections.

In-depth Treatment Options

A vacuum pump is a treatment option for those who do not respond to medications.

Other treatment modalities like Vitaros cream, MUSE, CAVERJECT, and Eroxon offer alternatives to oral erectile dysfunction medications. These treatments aim at increasing blood flow or manipulating hormone levels to address the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction.

When all these have failed one can consider penile implants.

The Role of Sexual Health Clinics

Sexual health clinics play a pivotal role in managing erectile dysfunction impotence when sexual problems are placing a toll on one's life. They provide a range of services, including consultations with sex therapists who offer sex therapy to address psychological causes of ED, such as stress, anxiety, and relationship issues. Some clinics also offer cognitive-behavioural therapy to help manage mental health concerns related to ED.

Role of Sexual Stimulation & Pelvic Floor Muscles

Sexual stimulation is crucial for achieving and maintaining an erection, as it triggers increased blood supply to the penile area. Strengthening pelvic floor muscles can also support erectile function and promote sexual health.

Seeking Further Advice & Counselling

For more personalised advice and treatment, men can explore finding private counsellors or attending sexual health clinics, where a clinical team specializing in sexual health can offer sex therapy and other interventions.

Consideration of Underlying Conditions

Addressing any underlying medical conditions is vital. High blood pressure and cardiovascular issues can significantly impact erectile function. Therefore, treatments like antihypertensive drugs to treat high blood pressure and statins to manage high cholesterol levels can indirectly aid ED management.


Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is a complex condition with numerous underlying causes and treatments. Awareness and understanding of this condition are crucial for the effective management and to treat erectile dysfunction.

Key Takeaways:

  • Impotence is common, affecting around 40% of men at age 40 and 70% of men at age 70.
  • Even men under 40 are not exempt from experiencing ED, with approximately 26% reported to have experienced it.
  • Many men with ED do not seek treatment, highlighting the need for increased awareness and proactive management of this condition.

Lifestyle modifications, medications, counselling, and treatments targeting specific symptoms or underlying causes can significantly improve the quality of life for men experiencing this condition.