September 11, 2024

Laser Procedures for Prostate Health: Comparing HoLEP, ThuLEP, Diode LEP, and Green Light PVP

Written by
Edward Calleja
Enlarged Prostate
Wave Blue

What is Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)?

Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) is a surgical procedure designed to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. This procedure uses a special type of laser called the holmium (Ho) laser. The laser operates at a wavelength that allows precise cutting of prostate tissue with minimal bleeding.

How Does the HoLEP Procedure Work?

  1. Laser Characteristics: The Holaser precisely cuts the prostate tissue while causing minimal damage to surrounding tissues.
  2. Procedure Steps:
    • The laser is used to dissect the entire lobes of the prostate from the surrounding capsule.
    • The dissected prostate tissue is then broken into smaller pieces (a process called morcellation) inside the bladder.
    • These small pieces are removed through the urethra.

What are the Benefits of HoLEP?

  • Effective for Large Prostates: HoLEP can effectively treat prostates larger than 80 mL.
  • Reduced Bleeding: The precision of the laser minimizes blood loss.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients typically spend less time in the hospital compared to traditional surgeries.

What Do Professional Organizations Say About HoLEP?

  • American Urological Association (AUA): Recommends HoLEP for managing lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by BPH, regardless of prostate size. It is also suitable for patients at high risk of bleeding.
  • European Association of Urology (EAU): Suggests HoLEP for moderate-to-severe LUTS and for high-risk patients who cannot stop their blood-thinning medications.
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): Advises using HoLEP for voiding LUTS in specialized centres.
  • Japanese Urological Association (JUA): Recommends HoLEP for LUTS that don't respond to other treatments or for complications related to BPH.

What are the Potential Side Effects of HoLEP?

Compared to traditional surgery (TURP), HoLEP has:

  • Lower Risk of Infections: Due to precise cutting and minimal bleeding.
  • Reduced Blood Loss: Less need for blood transfusions.
  • Shorter Catheterization Time: Patients need a catheter for a shorter period.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients can go home sooner.

How Effective is HoLEP?

Studies have shown that HoLEP significantly improves urinary symptoms and increases the flow of urine up to 12 months after the procedure. It is often more effective than traditional surgery for treating BPH.

What is Thulium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (ThuLEP)?

Thulium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (ThuLEP), along with Vapoenucleation (ThuVEP) and Vaporesection (ThuVARP), are procedures using a thulium (Tm) laser. This laser operates at wavelengths that allow it to precisely remove prostate tissue without deeply penetrating the surrounding tissues.

How Does ThuLEP Work?

  • Laser Characteristics: The Tmlaser allows for precise cutting and removal of prostate tissue.
  • Procedure Variations:
    • Enucleation (ThuLEP): Complete removal of prostate tissue.
    • Vapoenucleation (ThuVEP): Combination of vaporization and enucleation.
    • Vaporesection (ThuVARP): Vaporization of prostate tissue.

What are the Benefits of ThuLEP?

  • Suitable for High-Risk Patients: Can be used in patients who cannot stop taking blood thinners.
  • Reduced Blood Loss: Minimal bleeding during the procedure.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients can go home sooner compared to traditional surgeries.

What Do Professional Organizations Say About ThuLEP?

  • American Urological Association (AUA): Recommends ThuLEP for LUTS related to BPH and for high-risk patients.
  • European Association of Urology (EAU): Suggests ThuLEP or ThuVEP for moderate-to-severe LUTS in patients who can stop their blood thinners temporarily.
  • Japanese Urological Association (JUA): Recommends ThuVARP for persistent LUTS or complications related to BPH in patients on blood thinners.

What are the Potential Side Effects of ThuLEP?

Compared to TURP, ThuLEP has:

  • Reduced Blood Loss: Minimal bleeding.
  • Shorter Catheterization Time: Less time needing a catheter.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Quicker recovery and discharge from the hospital.

How Effective is ThuLEP?

ThuLEP has shown similar symptom improvements to TURP but with less blood loss and shorter hospital stays. It is an effective alternative to traditional prostate surgery.

What is Diode Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (Diode LEP)?

Diode Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (Diode LEP) uses lasers with various wavelengths (940 nm, 980 nm, 1,318 nm, or 1,470 nm) to treat BPH.

How Does Diode LEP Work?

  • Laser Characteristics: The diode laser provides precise cutting with minimal damage to surrounding tissues.
  • Procedure Steps: Similar to HoLEP, the diode laser enucleates and morcellates the prostate tissue for removal.

What are the Benefits of Diode LEP?

  • Reduced Bleeding: Minimal blood loss during the procedure.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients can go home sooner.

What Do Professional Organizations Say About Diode LEP?

  • European Association of Urology (EAU): Suggests Diode LEP for moderate-to-severe LUTS in patients who can temporarily stop their blood thinners.

What are the Potential Side Effects of Diode LEP?

Compared to TURP, Diode LEP has:

  • Reduced Blood Loss: Minimal bleeding.
  • Shorter Catheterization Time: Less time with a catheter.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Faster recovery and discharge.

How Effective is Diode LEP?

Diode LEP has been shown to provide similar symptom relief and quality of life improvements as other laser procedures, with the added benefit of a shorter hospital stay.

What is Green Light Laser Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP)?

Green Light Laser Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP) uses a laser with a wavelength of 532 nm to vaporize prostate tissue. This procedure is known for its ability to control bleeding while removing the enlarged prostate tissue.

How Does Green Light Laser PVP Work?

  • Laser Characteristics: The laser is absorbed by haemoglobin, making it effective at vaporizing tissue and stopping bleeding simultaneously.
  • Procedure Steps: The laser vaporizes the enlarged prostate tissue, which is then naturally expelled by the body.

What are the Benefits of Green Light Laser PVP?

  • Effective for Bleeding Disorders: Suitable for patients on blood thinners.
  • Reduced Blood Loss: Minimal bleeding during the procedure.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients can often go home the same day or the next day.

What Do Professional Organizations Say About Green Light Laser PVP?

  • American Urological Association (AUA): Recommends Green Light Laser PVP for managing LUTS related to BPH, especially for patients at high risk of bleeding.
  • European Association of Urology (EAU): Suggests Green Light Laser PVP for moderate-to-severe LUTS and high-risk patients who cannot stop blood thinners.

What are the Potential Side Effects of Green Light Laser PVP?

Compared to TURP, Green Light Laser PVP has:

  • Reduced Need for Blood Transfusions: Less blood loss.
  • Lower Clot Retention Rate: Fewer complications related to blood clots.
  • Shorter Catheterization Time: Less time with a catheter.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Faster recovery and discharge.

How Effective is Green Light Laser PVP?

Green Light Laser PVP has shown to be as effective as TURP in improving urinary symptoms, with fewer complications and quicker recovery times. It is a viable option for patients seeking an alternative to traditional surgery.

Are there alternative therapies?

Nowadays there are mulitple ways how to address water work issues from an enlarged prostate. The decision depends on your health, prostate size and what you wish to achieve from a quality of life point of view.

  1. Medications (Alpha blcoker, prostate reducing size medications, oral erectile medications)
  2. Transuretheral resection of prostate (TURP)
  3. UroLift
  4. Rezum
  5. Aquablation
  6. Optilume
  7. iTind
  8. Prostate Arterial Embolisation (PAE)

Words of Wisdom from a Urologist

Laser procedures like HoLEP, ThuLEP, Diode LEP, and Green Light Laser PVP offer advanced and effective treatments for BPH and LUTS. These techniques provide significant benefits, including reduced bleeding, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery times compared to traditional surgeries. Patients at high risk of bleeding or those on blood thinners can particularly benefit from these minimally invasive procedures. Always consult with a urologist to determine the best treatment option tailored to your specific needs and medical condition.